True Strength

True Strength

True Strength  A lion does not use it’s strength indiscriminately. The lions strength is used to serve, protect and defend the pride. True strength should not be used to exploit others, self defence skills should only be used to defeat the enemy. The most... Read more
The art of Budo

The art of Budo

In traditional martial arts the “Rei” (custom of bowing) in training is practiced in dojos throughout the world. This is important because it helps us to understand the relationship between the “Uke” (The person who initiates an attack) and the “Tori” (The person who... Read more
Taking action in adversity

Taking action in adversity

This post will initially describe the origin and different phases of the OODA loop. Then detail the OODA loop in context of potential scenarios and finally, how to disrupt a potential threats OODA Loop The OODA loop stands for Observe  Orient  Decide  Act. And as the... Read more
Training Safely

Training Safely

At Guardian Defence our training is structured to simulate “Real life” street confrontations. Therefore, our training encompasses the following; Sparring (This includes one on one sparring, two/three on one sparring), stress inoculation drills, fighter conditioning... Read more